Unzip gzipped file
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An example of how to decompress a gzipped file and save it to disk.
Open the gzipped file for reading
const file = await Deno.open("large_file.json.gz");
Create a new file to write the decompressed data
const outputPath = await Deno.create("large_file.json");
Get the writable stream of the output file
const writableStream = outputPath.writable;
Create a decompression stream for gzip format
const stream = new DecompressionStream("gzip");
Pipe the readable stream of the gzipped file through the decompression stream and then to the writable stream of the output file
使用 Deno CLI 在本地运行 此示例:
deno run --allow-write --allow-read https://docs.denohub.com/examples/scripts/unzip_gzipped_file.ts