Streaming file operations
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Sometimes we need more granular control over file operations. Deno provides a low level interface to file operations that may be used for this purpose.
For our first example we will demonstrate using a writeable stream. To handle any low level file operations we must first open the file.
const output = await"example.txt", {
create: true,
append: true,
We are now able to obtain a writer from the output. This automatically handles closing the file when done.
const outputWriter = output.writable.getWriter();
Before we do anything with the writer, we should make sure it's ready.
await outputWriter.ready;
Let's write some text to the file
const outputText = "I love Deno!";
const encoded = new TextEncoder().encode(outputText);
await outputWriter.write(encoded);
Now we close the write stream (and the file)
await outputWriter.close();
For our next example, let's read the text from the file!
const input = await"example.txt");
Let's get a reader from the input
const inputReader = input.readable.getReader();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
Let's read each chunk from the file and print it to the console.
while (true) {
const result = await;
if (result.done) {
console.log(`Read chunk: ${decoder.decode(result.value)}`);
使用 Deno CLI 在本地运行 此示例:
deno run --allow-read --allow-write