Shamir's Secret Sharing Implementation

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This example demonstrates Shamir's Secret Sharing, where a secret, split into shares, allows its reconstruction only when a sufficient number of shares are combined.

Random Number Generation within a range
async function getSecureRandom(min: number, max: number): Promise<number> {
  const range = max - min;
  const buffer = new Uint8Array(4);
  const randomValue = new DataView(buffer.buffer).getUint32(0);
  return min + (randomValue % range);
Finding the value of the polynomial at x
function evaluatePolynomial(coefficients: number[], x: number): number {
  return coefficients.reduce(
    (result, coeff, power) => result + coeff * Math.pow(x, power),
Generates shares based on the secret and threshold
async function generateShares(
  secret: number,
  totalShares: number,
  threshold: number,
) {
Generate random coefficients for the polynomial
  const coefficients = [secret];
  for (let i = 1; i < threshold; i++) {
    coefficients.push(await getSecureRandom(1, 1000));

  const usedXValues = new Set<number>();
  const shares = [];
Generate unique random x values for shares
  while (shares.length < totalShares) {
    const x = await getSecureRandom(1, 1000);
    if (!usedXValues.has(x)) {
        y: evaluatePolynomial(coefficients, x),

  return { shares, coefficients };
Secret Reconstuction from a subset of shares using Lagrange interpolation
function reconstructSecret(shares: Array<{ x: number; y: number }>): number {
  const secret = shares.reduce((sum, share, i) => {
    let product = share.y;
    for (let j = 0; j < shares.length; j++) {
      if (i !== j) {
        product *= shares[j].x / (shares[j].x - share.x);
    return sum + product;
  }, 0);

  return Math.round(secret);

const secret = 12345;
const totalShares = 5;
const threshold = 3;
Generate shares
const { shares, coefficients } = await generateShares(
console.log("Generated Shares:", shares);
Select random subset of shares to reconstruct the secret
const selectedIndices = new Set<number>();
while (selectedIndices.size < threshold) {
  selectedIndices.add(await getSecureRandom(0, totalShares));

const selectedShares = Array.from(selectedIndices).map((index) =>
console.log("Selected Shares for Reconstruction:", selectedShares);
Reconstruct the secret
const reconstructedSecret = reconstructSecret(selectedShares);
console.log("Original Secret:", secret);
console.log("Reconstructed Secret:", reconstructedSecret);

使用 Deno CLI 在本地运行 此示例

deno run

