Spy functions
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A function spy allow us to assert that a function was called with the correct arguments and a specific number of times. This snippet demonstrates how to spy on a function using a mock function.
import { assertSpyCall, assertSpyCalls, spy } from "jsr:@std/testing/mock";
function log(message: string) {
const logger = { log };
Deno.test("logger uses the log function", () => {
Create a spy on the `logger.log` method.
const logSpy = spy(logger, "log");
Call the `logger.log` method.
logger.log("Hello, world!");
try {
Assert that the `log` function was called just once.
assertSpyCalls(logSpy, 1);
Assert that the `log` function was called with the correct arguments.
assertSpyCall(logSpy, 0, { args: ["Hello, world!"] });
} finally {
Restore the logger.log function to stop spying it.
Deno.test("Creating a spy with the using keyword", () => {
method spys are disposable, so we can create them with the keyword `using`
using logSpy = spy(logger, "log");
logger.log("Disposable spy");
Spys created with the `using` keyword are automatically restored at the end of the test
assertSpyCalls(logSpy, 1);
使用 Deno CLI 在本地运行 此示例:
deno run https://docs.denohub.com/examples/scripts/spy_functions.ts