Moving/Renaming files
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An example of how to move and rename files and directories in Deno.
To rename or move a file, you can use the `Deno.rename` function. The first argument is the path to the file to rename. The second argument is the new path.
await Deno.writeTextFile("./hello.txt", "Hello World!");
await Deno.rename("./hello.txt", "./hello-renamed.txt");
console.log(await Deno.readTextFile("./hello-renamed.txt"));
If the source file or the destination directory does not exist, the function will reject the returned promise with a `Deno.errors.NotFound` error. You can catch this error with a `try/catch` block.
try {
await Deno.rename("./hello.txt", "./does/not/exist");
} catch (err) {
A synchronous version of this function is also available.
Deno.renameSync("./hello-renamed.txt", "./hello-again.txt");
If the destination file already exists, it will be overwritten.
await Deno.writeTextFile("./hello.txt", "Invisible content.");
await Deno.rename("./hello-again.txt", "./hello.txt");
console.log(await Deno.readTextFile("./hello.txt"));
Read and write permissions are necessary to perform this operation. The source file needs to be readable and the destination path needs to be writable.
使用 Deno CLI 在本地运行 此示例:
deno run --allow-read=./ --allow-write=./