
使用 TypeScript 构建 API 服务器

视频描述 Jump to heading

使用轻量级的 Hono 框架(Express 的精神继承者)构建一个支持 CRUD 操作的 RESTful API 服务器,并与数据库交互。

文字稿和代码 Jump to heading

如果你过去曾参与过 Node 项目,你可能使用过 Express 来设置 Web 服务器或托管 API。让我们看看如何使用 Hono 实现类似的功能,Hono 是一个小巧简单的框架,可以与任何运行时一起使用,但我们将它与 Deno 结合使用。基本的 Hono 设置

我们将通过 JSR 将 Hono 添加到项目中:

deno add jsr:@hono/hono

这将会被添加到 deno.json 文件中。

然后,在我们的主文件中,我们将创建基本的 Hono 设置。

import { Hono } from "@hono/hono";

const app = new Hono();

app.get("/", (c) => {
  return c.text("Hello from the Trees!");


让我们运行 deno run --allow-net main.ts,然后在浏览器中访问 localhost:8000

CRUD 操作 Jump to heading

现在我们已经用 Hono 设置了简单的服务器,我们可以开始构建数据库。

我们将使用 localStorage,但请记住,你可以使用任何持久化数据存储与 Deno 结合使用 —— postgres、sql —— 无论你喜欢在哪里存储数据。


interface Tree {
  id: string;
  species: string;
  age: number;
  location: string;


const oak: Tree = {
  id: "3",
  species: "oak",
  age: 3,
  location: "Jim's Park",

然后我们将创建一些辅助函数,帮助我们与 localStorage 交互:

const setItem = (key: string, value: Tree) => {
  localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));

const getItem = (key: string): Tree | null => {
  const item = localStorage.getItem(key);
  return item ? JSON.parse(item) : null;


setItem(`trees_${}`, oak);
const newTree = getItem(`trees_${}`);
deno --allow-net main.ts
  • setItem 正在添加树
  • 你也可以使用 setItem 更新记录 —— 如果键已经存在,值将被更新
const oak: Tree = {
  id: "3",
  species: "oak",
  age: 4,
  location: "Jim's Park",

localStorage.setItem(`trees_${}`, JSON.stringify(oak));

好的,现在让我们使用 Hono 的路由功能创建一些 REST API 路由,既然我们已经了解了如何使用这些数据库方法:"/trees", async (c) => {
  const { id, species, age, location } = await c.req.json();
  const tree: Tree = { id, species, age, location };
  setItem(`trees_${id}`, tree);
  return c.json({
    message: `We just added a ${species} tree!`,

为了测试这一点,我们将发送一个 curl 请求:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/trees \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"id": "2", "species": "Willow", "age": 100, "location": "Juniper Park"}'

为了证明我们创建了那棵树,让我们通过其 ID 获取数据:

app.get("/trees/:id", async (c) => {
  const id = c.req.param("id");
  const tree = await kv.get(["trees", id]);
  if (!tree.value) {
    return c.json({ message: "Tree not found" }, 404);
  return c.json(tree.value);

为了测试这一点,让我们运行一个 curl 请求来获取数据:

curl http://localhost:8000/trees/1



app.put("/trees/:id", (c) => {
  const id = c.req.param("id");
  const { species, age, location } = c.req.json();
  const updatedTree: Tree = { id, species, age, location };
  setItem(`trees_${id}`, updatedTree);
  return c.json({
    message: `Tree has relocated to ${location}!`,


curl -X PUT http://localhost:8000/trees/1 \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"species": "Oak", "age": 8, "location": "Theft Park"}'

最后,如果我们想删除一棵树,可以使用 Hono 的删除功能。

const deleteItem = (key: string) => {

app.delete("/trees/:id", (c) => {
  const id = c.req.param("id");
  return c.json({
    message: `Tree ${id} has been cut down!`,

我们已经使用 Deno 和 Hono 结合构建了一个用于树数据的小型 REST API。如果我们想部署它,我们可以零配置地部署到 Deno deploy

你可以将此部署到任何云 VPS,如 AWS、GCP、Digital Ocean,使用 官方 Docker 镜像

完整代码示例 Jump to heading

import { Hono } from "@hono/hono";

const app = new Hono();

interface Tree {
  id: string;
  species: string;
  age: number;
  location: string;

const setItem = (key: string, value: Tree) => {
  localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));

const getItem = (key: string): Tree | null => {
  const item = localStorage.getItem(key);
  return item ? JSON.parse(item) : null;

const deleteItem = (key: string) => {

const oak: Tree = {
  id: "3",
  species: "oak",
  age: 3,
  location: "Jim's Park",

setItem(`trees_${}`, oak);
const newTree = getItem(`trees_${}`);

app.get("/", (c) => {
  return c.text("Hello from the Trees!");
});"/trees", async (c) => {
  const { id, species, age, location } = await c.req.json();
  const tree: Tree = { id, species, age, location };
  setItem(`trees_${id}`, tree);
  return c.json({
    message: `We just added a ${species} tree!`,

app.get("/trees/:id", async (c) => {
  const id = await c.req.param("id");
  const tree = getItem(`trees_${id}`);
  if (!tree) {
    return c.json({ message: "Tree not found" }, 404);
  return c.json(tree);

app.put("/trees/:id", async (c) => {
  const id = c.req.param("id");
  const { species, age, location } = await c.req.json();
  const updatedTree: Tree = { id, species, age, location };
  setItem(`trees_${id}`, updatedTree);
  return c.json({
    message: `Tree has relocated to ${location}!`,

app.delete("/trees/:id", (c) => {
  const id = c.req.param("id");
  return c.json({
    message: `Tree ${id} has been cut down!`,

示例页面 和我们的 YouTube 频道上查看更多视频。

